Anthropometry refers to the scientific study of the measurements and proportions of the human body in architecture. In this post, we will discover a few fundamental dimensions based on the human body that is relevant for the designing of functional spaces.

Post contents:

General Anthropometry
Bedroom Anthropometry
Bathroom Anthropometry

General Anthropometry

Key measurements tend to coincide with human joints. These include the knees, wrists, waist and shoulders of the generic 1800 mm tall human referenced to make human-scaled furniture. Everyday, common furniture have dimensions that correlate to these measurements.

The Human Body

  • Average Height is about 1800 milimeters
  • Average width is about 450 milimeters

At a table

  • Table height should be approximately 750mm high
  • Seat area should be 500 x 600mm.

At cabinetry

  • 1000mm clear width between cabinets
  • Height of cabinet should be 850mm above floor level
  • Base of upper cabinets shall be 1500mm above floor level.
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General Anthropometry


Bedroom Anthropometry

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Bedroom Anthropometry

At least 700mm of space beside the bed and 900mm along circulation paths is recommended when it comes to designing shared bedroom spaces

This considers the allowance for arm movements during the changing of bedsheets and a passage of 2 people.

This also relates to anthropometry, which is the study of the scientific study of the measurements and proportions of the human body.

Bathroom Anthropometry

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Bathroom Anthropometry

Space for human movements during the use of the wash basin, water closet and shower should be catered for.

As a guide, at least 500m of clear space from the sanitary equipment and at least 1 x 1m space for the shower should be provided.