About This Episode

Looking to get clients or increase your online presence as an architect? If yes, you would want to watch this episode!

This episode breaks down the reasons why we as architects must begin to share about the value we bring to the project from concept to occupation.

I chat with Dwayne Smith-Alexander, an architectural designer based in the USA on why and how our architectural industry can begin to better articulate our value through the documentation and sharing of all stages of the project.

Scroll down for the show notes.

Show Notes

Timestamps link to Youtube video

In this episode:

[00:53] - Dwayne's architectural journey / experience in working on the Pan-African Community Centre & Affordable Housing projects.
[05:30] - Lesson learned : Being a student of architecture
[06:37] - What was the process like designing for the Pan-African Community Center?
[08:22] - Challenges faced during the design and construction of the projects
[11:50] - Dwayne's vision for a documentary of his projects from start to finish from an Architect's perspective
[15:06] - Why Dwayne started to work on this documentary
[18:00] - What Dwayne believes Architects should be more active on social media and share all aspects of their work (Hint: to raise the value of our Industry)
[21:56] - Why I believe future clients will appreciate (and pay for) our value if only we articulate what we do as Architects well.
[25:32] - How will the industry change in the next 5-10 years, with technology for the design and construction of buildings evolving
[28:46] -  What Dwayne missed in Architecture School 10 years ago
[31:23] - "We Are Students of Architecture even after school"
[32:45] - Why Dwayne started to dabble in real estate investment to diversify his income
[35:39] - Dwayne's involvement in the LOEM (League of Exemplary Men), a mastermind group focused on providing education on financial literacy and guidance to men.
[38:15] - Why I believe should balance Architecture with other interests, networking with people in other industries and not stay in the "Archi Bubble".
[38:35] - Anecdotes by a non-Architect that Dwayne applied in his architecture practice and works.
[41:20] - Dwayne's Advice to architectural graduates and young designers who are just starting out.

Dwayne Smith-Alexander is an architectural designer, urban theorist, singer/songwriter and real estate investor. He has designed affordable housing, civic and cultural structures for the benefit of African American + Caribbean communities in the USA as a design lead and architectural designer for Urban Architectural Initiatives.

Dwayne is also a member of the National Organization of Minority Architects (NOMA) as a first-generation Jamaican American based architectural designer in New York City and the Caribbean region.He is also part of LOEM (League of Exemplary Men) A mastermind group focused on providing education on financial literacy and direct guidance to men on how to save and invest through the medium of creative real estate & e-commerce.

Follow Dwyane: http://instagram.com/dsmithalexander

About The Show

ARCHLOGBOOK Chats is a brand new podcast where I, Gabriel Chek, sit down with architecture students, designers, practitioners and academics to discuss the various challenges, achievements and opportunities in the education and practice of Architecture.  

If you would like to join me as a podcast guest, feel free to contact Gabriel at hello@archlogbook.co.  

ARCHLOGBOOK CHATS is available on Youtube, Spotify, Google Podcast and Apple Podcast.


ARCHLOGBOOK is a platform by Gabriel Chek that aims to increase clarity & confidence in young architecture students and designers. I create and share educational content of architectural practice via blog posts, Instagram, ebooks, workshops and videos here on Youtube.  

Follow ARCHLOGBOOK via the following channels:

Website: https://archlogbook.co

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